The Ruminative Rambles of Writers
Welcome to Linderson Creations! Home to aspiring authors Ashley Lindsay and Sarah Anderson.
We are currently on a hiatus and not publishing to our blog. To stay up to date with our current writing projects and activities, please sign up to our quarterly newsletter by entering your details into the form located in the page footer.
The Horse Before the Cart
It’s no secret by now that I’ve been struggling, not only to find time to write, but with the writing itself.
Characters – A life of their own
One of the characters I have been writing recently has taken on a life on his own.
Patchwork Pieces
I’m close to finishing another chapter in our Ancient Greece Book.
Riding the Momentum
Our WIP historical fiction novel has been slow going.
Rediscovering Old Notes: Use It or Lose It?
This month, I’ve been making some steady progress. By no means am I racing through my chapters, but I managed to ramp it up a notch.
Bad to the Bone: Writing the Villain’s Perspective
Don’t you just love a bad guy? Writing them, creating them, weaving them into your plot.
All in Good Time
Time. It’s something most of us struggle with, and there is never, ever enough.
Helping Each Other—Writing Groups
Imagine a magical place where writers help foster each other’s craft, provide valuable feedback and encouragement, and culture an environment to let our creativity grow.
Like the Mountains
A test of patience. Sometimes, I feel that’s what covid is. In a world where we are so used to getting what we want right now, we have had to wait.