The Optimist and the Pessimist: A Balancing Act
Writing a book is like trying to piece together two different sides of yourself: The optimist and the pessimist.
Writing a book is like trying to piece together two different sides of yourself: The optimist and the pessimist.
Book Swap. Yes, the time has come. Ashley and I both finished editing our respective novels this week.
I have become convinced, ever since moving to Canada, that my vacuum cleaner has it in for me.
Over the last couple of weeks, I have been in the midst of yet another exciting project, somewhat related to my writing: Creating my dream home office.
A weekend or two ago, when I was procrastinating doing the actual hard work, I decided to play around with epub files.
As is so often the case with the first set of edits, I’m finding it more challenging and time-consuming than actually writing the book.
In the last few chapters, Ashley and I were racing to the end. It’s like when you’re on the home run. On that last push, just a few meters from the base.
It’s a tough world out there. The world we live in is centered around productivity. Efficiency. It’s need driven. But all of this doesn’t leave much room for the inner artist...
Some people will tell you writer’s block doesn’t exist. I'm here to say they're wrong. But that doesn't mean that you can't beat it.
Let me be clear here: I’m not aiming to scare you, but only to educate, because not everyone is taking this as seriously as they should.