Fortress of Solitude
Writing is actually happening for the first time in what feels like months.
Writing is actually happening for the first time in what feels like months.
Spotlight on Writing / Personal Update Guess what? I’m going on a writing retreat. At least, that’s what I’m calling my trip into [...]
This month, I was mildly productive. I managed to put another Simon chapter behind me.
First of all, happy New Year everyone! At the turn of another year, it feels like a good time to finally let loose the little secret I’ve been keeping.
On this talking shop episode, Sarah discussed a filmed lecture series she discovered through her public library [...]
As many of you already know, we were unbelievably excited to finally release our book, When the Rain Falls, this past week.
There’s a lot happening at Linderson Creations this month.
This week, on our upcoming podcast we talk about beginnings, which seems appropriate as I attempt to forge ahead with a new chapter.
Calgary is currently in the middle of its fourth wave of covid-19, and this has made work life hard.
It seems I am finally crossing a bridge into the land of productivity, and this is definitely something to celebrate.