Upcoming Changes at Linderson Creations
There’re things happening on Linderson Creations this year. Lots of things.
So, we thought we should take a moment to give you all an admin update on our evil genius plan to rule the world (but not really, because we have our heads in books so much that we’d make terrible rulers).
We’ve decided to change our focus a bit, from the blog to our podcast, and are excited to announce that we will be doing weekly podcasts beginning in the new year, with the first episode debuting on the 5th of January. Unfortunately, we have a limited amount of time available to us, so we’ve decided to achieve this by cutting down on our blog posts. You’ll hear from us alternately on a fortnightly schedule from this point forward. And if we’re being honest, sometimes it’s hard to come up with quality content when not a lot has actually happened, so with more time between each post, our blog posts will hopefully be more interesting.

The other thing you may have noticed, is the podcast posts have disappeared from the main blog page. Because we’re going to be doing a lot more of them, I didn’t want to inundate the blog page, and have separated them accordingly. You will now find the podcast posts exclusively under the podcast page.
Phew. I know, I know. Exciting admin stuff.
About the only other thing to report is how we’re hoping to be published this year (one way or another), so keep an ear to the ground and listen out for further news! The website may undergo a few changes when this occurs, so it will be pretty hard to miss. But still.
Since last year turned out to be a demonic beast from hell, I feel a bit cautious in saying this, but I’m going to go ahead anyway because otherwise I feel like I’m giving up and letting 2020 get the better of me. 2021 is coming, and I think it’s going to be a good year. Watch out world, here we come!
~ Sarah
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