Spotlight on Writing
The plan for our next book is complete. At least, on my end it is. I think Ashley is going to make some adjustments, but it was quite a relief to be able to send it to her, after several weeks of straining my brain to piece it all together. I’m excited to see what ideas she has to improve it, and to hopefully start writing soon!
In the meantime, I’ve been editing my own novel. So far, it’s been a lot of churning things through in my mind. I know I have to write several more scenes, and I am beginning to form an idea of what those scenes might look like, and where in the book they might happen. Every day the murky ideas are becoming more solid and tangible, and they’ve nearly formed enough to outline a couple chapter plans and make some real headway in editing this thing.
The next few weeks are going to be interesting, I think, as everything starts to pull together with our different projects. With Calgary’s short autumn drawing to a close (pretty sure it’s going to snow someday soon), change is in the air again. I love change, and the constant motion of life with things whirring by in unexpected and dazzling ways. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Personal Update

Happy Canadian thanksgiving everyone!
Thanksgiving is mine and Dan’s adopted holiday. It’s our special one, and one of my favorites. Neither of us celebrated it growing up; thanksgiving doesn’t exist in New Zealand, and it’s not an Italian custom either. But, since I made the move to Canada, Dan and I decided we would celebrate it. There’s something kind of cool about having a holiday centered around giving thanks for everything we have. Because we are pretty lucky, all things considered.
Anyhow, so what does our thanksgiving look like? At the moment, it’s a pretty quiet affair. Our own special date night, with just the two of us. On Sunday, I cook up a thanksgiving feast with way too much food, we crack open a nice bottle of wine, and talk about things that we’re grateful for, and things that make us happy.
This year, as always, I’m grateful for family and friends in my life. I’m also grateful to you, our readers. It’s been a journey, this last year or so that Ashley and I have been blogging, and it’s far from over. So, to all of you who have been with us every step of the way, thanks for tagging along and I hope you continue to enjoy our posts. And to those of you who may be new readers, welcome. Let me know in the comments what your thanksgiving looks like. And if you don’t celebrate it, what’s your favorite holiday?
P.S. Just in case you were wondering, I was going to take a beautiful picture of the turkey. Except, I’m still a bit of a noob at the Canadian housewife thing, and my oven may possibly need a clean before it looks anything close to picture perfect. AND, we then proceeded to massacre our turkey proving that we still need a few more thanksgivings and Christmases before we approach expert turkey-carver status. In lieu of my image, I decided to add a cute royalty-free stock picture. Because sometimes, that’s just how it goes.
Spotlight on Writing
The plan for our next book is complete. At least, on my end it is. I think Ashley is going to make some adjustments, but it was quite a relief to be able to send it to her, after several weeks of straining my brain to piece it all together. I’m excited to see what ideas she has to improve it, and to hopefully start writing soon!
In the meantime, I’ve been editing my own novel. So far, it’s been a lot of churning things through in my mind. I know I have to write several more scenes, and I am beginning to form an idea of what those scenes might look like, and where in the book they might happen. Every day the murky ideas are becoming more solid and tangible, and they’ve nearly formed enough to outline a couple chapter plans and make some real headway in editing this thing.
The next few weeks are going to be interesting, I think, as everything starts to pull together with our different projects. With Calgary’s short autumn drawing to a close (pretty sure it’s going to snow someday soon), change is in the air again. I love change, and the constant motion of life with things whirring by in unexpected and dazzling ways. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Personal Update
Happy Canadian thanksgiving everyone!
Thanksgiving is mine and Dan’s adopted holiday. It’s our special one, and one of my favorites. Neither of us celebrated it growing up; thanksgiving doesn’t exist in New Zealand, and it’s not an Italian custom either. But, since I made the move to Canada, Dan and I decided we would celebrate it. There’s something kind of cool about having a holiday centered around giving thanks for everything we have. Because we are pretty lucky, all things considered.
Anyhow, so what does our thanksgiving look like? At the moment, it’s a pretty quiet affair. Our own special date night, with just the two of us. On Sunday, I cook up a thanksgiving feast with way too much food, we crack open a nice bottle of wine, and talk about things that we’re grateful for, and things that make us happy.
This year, as always, I’m grateful for family and friends in my life. I’m also grateful to you, our readers. It’s been a journey, this last year or so that Ashley and I have been blogging, and it’s far from over. So, to all of you who have been with us every step of the way, thanks for tagging along and I hope you continue to enjoy our posts. And to those of you who may be new readers, welcome. Let me know in the comments what your thanksgiving looks like. And if you don’t celebrate it, what’s your favorite holiday?
P.S. Just in case you were wondering, I was going to take a beautiful picture of the turkey. Except, I’m still a bit of a noob at the Canadian housewife thing, and my oven may possibly need a clean before it looks anything close to picture perfect. AND, we then proceeded to massacre our turkey proving that we still need a few more thanksgivings and Christmases before we approach expert turkey-carver status. In lieu of my image, I decided to add a cute royalty-free stock picture. Because sometimes, that’s just how it goes.
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