Spotlight on Writing
A bit of a different focus in this column today. Over the last couple of weeks, I have been in the midst of yet another exciting project, somewhat related to my writing: Creating my dream home office.
It all started thanks to the Corona Virus. Like many people who suddenly found themselves working from home, Dan and I admittedly sometimes struggle to share space. Not that it’s a huge deal, but it gets a little tricky when I’m set up in the dining room, and he comes in for lunch and starts talking to me while I’m trying to study. Plus, even the sight of my textbook on the kitchen table puts me in a foul mood once I’m done for the day.
So, it forced us to stop procrastinating and we finally got around to clearing out ‘the little bedroom’ (translate: the place where we shove all our junk) and turned it into my personal home office.
Like I’m sure most couples do, we negotiate the ‘look’ for the rest of the house. And while I love how well we’ve melded our lives and how we’ve managed to find a style that fits us both, I’ll admit it is really great to be able to give this space a more feminine feel. And, Dan has his own office space downstairs which is uniquely him, so it feels good to have been able to decorate this spot in a way that is uniquely me. Although, let it be noted the Myrna Loy poster was actually Dan’s—he loves old Hollywood-style photography—but I adopted her. Myrna and I are already great friends.
I have coined the room, ‘My Writing Sanctuary’, and it is certainly a beautiful, light and airy place where I am able to indulge my muse, enhance my focus, and get things done. The only issue is actually getting me to leave it!
Do you have a room or space you devote to your work or writing? What do you do to make it cozy? Let me know in the comments.
Personal Update
I’ve been falling back into bad habits. Even though I have this beautiful new home office (and I was studying hard in here last week) this week, so far, I have been less than productive.
Yesterday I struggled through my readings and unfortunately made no headway on any of the study questions, and today…well today has been a complete write-off if I’m honest.
Firstly, I went and did the groceries (can’t miss save day at Save On Foods!). Got that done pretty early and then I did the typical bored/lazy student thing of mucking around on the internet, telling myself, “just five more minutes and then I’ll get to it.”
Well, before I know it, it’s two-thirty in the afternoon and I haven’t done a thing. So hence why I’m writing this blog post so early in the week (it’s Tuesday today) even though it won’t come out until next Monday. Figured, why not? Already threw most of today down the drain so here’s me waving the white flag.
Still got the rest of the week left though, and I’ll probably punish myself by working in the weekend since I’ve been such a bad student. At least that’s what I tell myself at the moment. I’m sure I’ll come up with some creative new excuse to pander to my laziness by the weekend!
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